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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-05-12 11:01:00

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Current mood: silly
Current music:Senses Fail - Bonecrusher
Entry tags:anime, coding, dating sims, emilie, friends, php, web design

Oh The Dramz
So today, I woke up, and [info]emilie  had left a comment and a message in my Facebook Inbox. The comment was on a photo I took of her old horse, I believe she called me an ass and told me not to post the image. LOL. LIKE SERIOUSLY?! Is she for fucking real?! She gets more and more ridiculous as the days go by. Her Inbox message basically read that she was mad at me blah blah, she was truly over what we had been, and she hated me and she never wanted to talk to me again...you get the point. Basically she made an ass out of herself again...which is sad. I wish she would just stop. It's so sad, to see such a an amazing and beautiful girl turn into this. But it's her choice...and there's nothing I can do about it. [info]morgan  then proceeded to rip her a new one....which was relatively humorous...

Anyways, I've been spending a buncha time on MyAnimeList and AnimePaper. The people are nice, at least the ones I've met. Last night I installed a nice PHP script on Percheron which snags my latest watched anime/read manga and displays it on my own personally made forum sig. Wicked slick. It basically uses RSS, GD, and PHP. Very nice stuff.

I'm getting back into anime, which really excites me, mostly because it's hilariously funny stuff. I downloaded a dating sim last night, but I have a feeling it's of the hentai type...woops. I won't know for sure until I install it...will do that tonight.

I'm going to order some Chinese when I'm on the road, so I can just stop in and pick it up. I might even eat it there. Yummy!!

Not much happening tonight, might study some Japanese and watch some Welcome to the NHK.

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2009-05-12 10:40 pm UTC (link)
I know, seriously. I sent her one last message hoping to get through to her, but I doubt it will.

Yeah, there's couple decent people on there. They were nice to me haha. I only was chatting in that shoutbox though. I just go there to snag new wallpapers for myself haha

Mmm lens flare hahaha

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