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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-05-11 18:00:00

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Current mood: nerdy
Current music:A Static Lullaby - Withered
Entry tags:anime, battlefield: heroes, coding, equine, horseback riding, manga, server administration, video games, web design

Fantastic Life
 Wow, today was amazing by any standards. I did wake up a bit later then usual, but it was okay. Woke up. worked on editing the Horse.13 project page. Removed [info]emilie 's links since she's not really apart of the "family" anymore and added the Trac and Subversion sections. Then I chatted with a couple friends, took a shower and watched some Welcome to the NHK which is hilariously amazing. I really love this series! I've got the first manga in the series, but I sure as hell would love to collect them all :) I've never collected a full manga series, which makes me sad. I've love to get all the Death Note books along with Welcome to the NHK. Maybe Gunslinger Girl too and Couple, hehe I love them all!! :)

Call me weird or whatever...but I'd also like to try out one of those Japanese dating sim games, obviously the non-Hentai ones. Just to see what it's like...maybe I'll snag one of JList or something.

This afternoon I spent at the barn work my horse. We did some jumping which was fun...although the outdoor was a bit mushy...but we had an awesome time nonetheless. I uploaded a couple pictures of him to Facebook. I really want to get another DSLR camera, probably the Canon Digital Rebel XTi or the XSi. Both very amazing. I wish I had my Rebel XT...oh well.

The CPU and motherboard to the new server should be in this week. I'll be ordering the PSU whenever the final funds hit my bank account.

Talked to my farrier today. I'm probably going to install ZenCube or whatever that shopping cart/ecommerce software is called and we'll use that. I think it might be easier to integrate that into the site theme over something like OSCommerce.

Tonight, nothing is going on. Probably watching some more Welcome to the NHK. I probably forgot to mention that I got my "Death Note" in the mail the other week. It's awesome. The first pages contain the rules, the next page has a few names that Light wrote down and the next says "Lind L. Tailor and then some more names. Basically it's amazing!! Any Death Note fan should have one :) [info]morgan  and I both got em.

I got a few new JDRAMAs, can't remember the names at the moment. I have so many things I need to watch haha. I think I would like to see Wolverine...has anyone seen it? Thoughts? How about that Star Trek movie? I've not really a Star Trek fan, but I heard it was kind of cool.

Oh yeah, I registered for Fundamentals of Nutrition and Japanese Communication, I am wicked psyched about taking them this summer!!!

Peace out!

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2009-05-12 04:32 pm UTC (link)
Oooh, haha duh, I should have known that LOL. I wish we had like a comic book store like I did in Boston...although I visited Boston the other week and went that store and their manga section is down to like one shelf :(

I think I liked Triela too. But it's been awhile, so I can't quite remember.

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