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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-05-07 16:13:00

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Current mood: working
Current music:Taking Back Sunday - You Know How I Do

War All Of The Time...
It's pretty much been forever since I've updated. I've been insanely busy with about a billion things going on. So [info]emilie  and I are pretty much done. I'm sick of her jerking me around and all of that bullshit. It's funny because now even her roommate is starting to dislike her. It's a common trend I am seeing with this girl, so it's a wonder that I hung around with her for 4 years. Pretty much everyone she comes in contact with her, she ends up lying and laying out all of her bullshit and they end up hating her. It's too bad. She used to be an amazing girl. If she'd just stop lying and being who she used to be (an amazing, cute, funny and wonderful person) then she might actually keep some of these people as friends. I don't get it...it's sad really because she really was amazing...but whatever. It's not my issue anymore. I've moved on and I am actively seeking out a new girlfriend, someone who's honest, caring and enjoy being with me because they like me.

There are so many other things I want to say about this girl, but I am not sure if it's worth my time haha

I applied for a job as a Linux Server Administrator at one of the local ISPs but I was too over-qualified and asking for too much money haha. I'm too smart for my own good, so while that kind of sucks (sucks because I love Linux/server administration) it's a good thing because I will now stay at UVM and I will probably be getting a degree in Equine Science and possibly Japanese communication which I am really excited about! It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm taking Japanese Communication and Fundamentals in Nutrition this summer, and I'll be taking probably another 2-3 classes this fall. Really awesome...

I've been working with [info]morgan  to build our new server. 95% of it is out of pocket money which sucks, but we love doing it so it'll be worth it. Currently we've only got the RAID card, case, rails and the brackets for the PSU. The case is wicked sexy. I'll post some pics and stuff when we get more of the gear in.

I've been riding a lot, and my horse is showing it. He's getting nice and muscley(??) haha. He's looks amazing. I'll be riding again tomorrow night after work, so that'll be fun! And tomorrow is Friday, so that makes it even more fun!!

I've started watching Welcome to NHK, and I like it so far, although I've only seen one episode. I have a feeling it'll be some good fun :) I also finished Death Note, which I absolutely loved. Really awesome series :D Ryuk is hilarious! I really want to watch Resident Evil: Degeneration, I semi-watched it like a month or two ago, but I would really like to actually have time to pay attention and not watch it while doing 200 other things. Haha.

Not much else going on besides all that...today I'm just going home to relax. I might work on a bit of my Japanese stuff, but that's about it.

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