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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-01-20 12:14:00

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Current mood: hungry

Welcome Obama
I'm currently attending some new employee orientation for UVM. We're watching the inauguration (I guess we're on break), but this morning we went over a few things, also took a trip around campus, did some UVM history stuff. It wasn't really that fun, although I learned a few neat things about the history of UVM. How that'll help me perform my job better, I don't know.

I actually got an email about the orientation last week or something, but some how it got lost. Trust me, being an IT person, I definitely felt like an idiot. Last night I was scrambling around to figure out when and where this thing was. This morning I finally got it all taken care of. I was like 30 minutes late to the thing, but whatever...I didn't miss the most important parts.

This weekend I went down to see Keith. I also got a new iPhone (since the silencer switch snapped off mine) and to get the topcase on my black MacBook replaced. Definitely was nice to see him. Last time I had seen him was when I went to do consulting with him at Yellow Stain, I mean Steel. What fuckers haha. The drive down was nice, I finally got through some Diggnation episodes, although not enough to really make a dent in my 700+ unlistened podcasts lol. There were cars off the road all over the place. I actually saw some lady go flying off. She blew by me, and in my mind I thought, "Yep see you in the ditch lady..." and sure enough 500ft down the road there she was. Sitting in a snowbank, haha. I made really good time though, considering the roads were crap.

So Monday, we went to the Apple Store, got all my stuff switched out. I think the girl who helped me, also helped me back in the Spring when my 8GB 1G iPhone crapped out. Keith works at this store too, so that made it a bit nicer too. I would much rather travel down there then deal with the AT&T Stores up here an/or Small Dog. Our Unicel stores just turned into AT&T stores so I have a feeling they wouldn't have the iPhone as a service part yet (but I could be wrong), but it's my best friend and seeing him is a lot of fun!

After my Apple Store appointment, I came home, hit up the barn first to get my stalls cleaned and then went back home. Emilie and I then went over to my parents, did some laundry and got some food. I also got a bunch of goods from my mom, some bacon, yogurt, granola, and some raviolis. I love going there, my parents are awesome.

This morning as mentioned was filled with some chaos as I had to figure out all this orientation crap. Since I'm full time now, I guess I've really got to hold up to my responsibilities, I've really gotta do well too cause I really like being able to work for the university and I am definitely going to take advantage of it. I'm hoping to take a bunch of classes, maybe this summer if not then, definitely in the fall. While I definitely DO NOT see myself working in the department I am currently in, I know I do not want to, I'd end up killing myself. So yeah, there's a master plan, there always is, and I believe this step into full time here, is just one of the steps that will get me to a higher and better place at some point. I've just got to do what I've been hired too, and all will be good. There just seems to be an overwhelming amount of things I've got to do, and rules and protocols to follow. I think I might be blowing it up a bit more then I should though. I am sure everything will be fine. :) It's just a lot for me all at once, it'll settle down :)

Last night after Emilie and I got back from my parents, we just put on our PJs, snuggled into the warn bed and started watching Gran Torino. I had no idea what it was going to be about. I'm probably 3/4th the way through the movie though. We ended up falling asleep, so I'll probably finish the rest when I get home.

So during this entry, President Obama is now really the president, someone who knows me messaged me on iChat, I have no idea who they are...I've filled out some health/dental insurance forms...

I am hoping this orientation isn't very much longer. I think the lady said something about the forms taking about an hour to fill out and then I hope that's the end. I then plan on getting some food and I'll probably just head home haha I might go back to the office, but I really just don't feel like dealing with these people haha

I've been listening to a lot of Asian Kung-Fu Generation lately. But I'd really love to get into some more JROCK bands and stuff. Does anyone have anything for me? Send me stuff!! :)


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