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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-10-13 23:15:00

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Current mood: exhausted
Current music:Hey Mercedes - Lashing Out | Scrobbled by Last.fm
Entry tags:coding, friends, network administration, playstation 3, video games, world of warcraft

PS3 & Nippets
Well this weekend was rather nice, but far to quick for me. I feel like I didn't get enough done even though I did get a lot done. On I worked a bunch on some Warcraft servers with [info]morgan. Finally around 8pm or so we had them both up and running and in a usable format. We got ArcEmu and a Wrath of Lich King (based on Mangos) up and working. I must say the new Death Knight class looks really awesome, I think I've got some reading up about it to do though because I am not sure I fully understand how it works. I assume Wikipedia or WoWWiki could help me with that though.

Saturday [info]emilie and I hung out for the morning, had a nice breakfast and probably watched a movie, I can't remember. Then she went to the friends and I had the apartment to myself for the entire afternoon and pretty much until 12am when she returned. I spent most of the day squashing Scribbld bugs and adding CSS into the site. I probably played some Call of Duty 4 in there also.

Sunday, [info]emilie and I went up to Williston. We bought a new dish since ours was starting to get a little rusty. We also picked up a PS3 and Devil May Cry 4. I still have my other 2 games (Drake's Fortune & Resistance: Fall of Man). We pre-ordered LittleBigPlanet & World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Collector's Edition. LBP comes out next week, I cannot wait. I am trying to get Emilie to make me a nice Sackboy plushie. We'll see about that :)

I attempted to get Mac OS X Snow Leopard WWDC 08' Preview installed on my PowerBook but after looking at the Install PDF, I found out it required an Intel processor...I asked around on Twitter but I got mixed responses. Some said final would require Intel and others said G4/G5 would still be supported...and if that's the case why make the beta Intel only?! Weird. I definitely want to try it out, I would love to see something like a change log but the disc had no such file. maybe I can connect with one of the developers to see if there's such a file on the Apple developer site.

So I have a few things to say about the PS3. I used to have one of the original units. The more expensive model too. It had WiFi, Bluetooth, 4 USB ports (possibly more in the back, I cannot remember), and a decent card reader module. Now the model I just bought comes with 2 USB ports and no card reader module. I rarely used the card reader module but I have a bunch of extra flash (SD, MicroDrive, CF) now and I would love to be able to use them...

Is there only 1 PS3 model now, the 80GB for $399?? Or do they offer another model, maybe a 40GB?? Any idea why they dropped those features? It sucks. I did buy a 250GB drive and I got that installed. I love how easy Sony makes that, and it's super affordable (unlike some other console making company I know....cough cough Microsoft...). Either way, Emilie and I've been playing Pixel Junk Monsters, flOw and Super Rubber Ducky this evening. We're going to have SO much fun with LittleBigPlanet. I am so excited for that.

This afternoon when I went into Small Dog to snag that 250GB drive and a HDMI cable, I stopped in to see my best buddy, [info]makkintosshu who is doing quite well. It's been a rather long time since I'd seen him, so we chatted, although brief, but yeah. I do miss the daily interactions with my buddies.

Tonight Emilie and I also watched WALL-E. I love that movie. I might buy it on Blu-Ray now that we've got the player.

I think I am going to head to bed now...

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2008-10-16 06:27 am UTC (link)
I've heard really mixed things about WALL-E.

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2008-10-16 06:28 pm UTC (link)
I absolutely loved it, I don't know what there's to dislike about it ha.

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