OS X 10.4.6...
So I just installed 10.4.6 on my iBook but I don't think any of the changes in this new update are really anything that are going to do much for me. I think a lot of it had to do with the Intel Macs and Boot Camp so really this update isn't going to help my PowerPC Macs any haha I wonder if there's anything good in the server version though.
I am quite happy with my XServe RAID though. I've just updated it for a different array setup. Now I have 2x250GB in a RAID1 and 5x250GB in RAID5. So the important files will sit on the RAID1 and I will use the RAID5 for whatever.
iBook just attempted to start-p from the 10.4.6 install and rebooted itself?? Yikes haha It appears to be booting normally though. Now I just need to run an rsync on it. And I think get a new desktop picture for it. I also need to figure out what to use it for...I guess just chatting and I'll leave it on the other side of the room...for what you ask!? So I don't have to walk to the other side where the computers are, I'll have a computer in reach of me where ever I go!
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