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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-07-06 17:24:00

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Current mood: loved
Entry tags:airsoft, cats, consulting, friends, grand theft auto iv, video games, xbox 360

Crazy Kitty
Well, it's been a bit since I last wrote in. Been busy with consulting and I was house sitting for my parents since Thursday. Nothing much really to talk about. I've been playing a lot of GTAIV, most of which I'm really enjoying. [info]emilie and I are getting pretty close to beating Overlord too, it's a pretty fun game, she seems to like it.

Unreal Tournament III for 360 comes out on Tuesday (at least for us East Coast people). Keith and I are taking the day off and will be playing a lot of it, I am not sure about [info]makkintosshu.

I bought a new multicam loadout. I also ordered some G&G Fan goggles so that should make my playing experience a LOT better. Got a buncha new stuff, I'll take pics and show them when I get all my new shiz in.

Went to work at the barn today, got to play with the kitties and the horses. No pics though...

Not much else to say at the moment, back to work tomorrow, although I don't have anything scheduled. Hopefully I'll be able to make some appointments tomorrow!!

Goodnight all!

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2008-07-07 02:21 pm UTC (link)
Jimmy, what sort of consulting do you do?

and as an aside, I can only imagine what your rig must look like at home. the guys I work with are such gamers and theirs blow me away so yours must be flippin sweet.

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2008-07-07 02:56 pm UTC (link)
I'm an Apple Computer consultant.

My rig isn't too bad, I'm mostly play Xbox 360 so my computer isn't anything special haha I've got one of these little buggers:


Same thing the Scribbld servers run on, nice and small too :)

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