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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-06-20 10:49:00

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Current mood: happy

To Massachusetts
Well, it sure has been a crazy couple of days. On Wednesday, [info]emilie had to go in for some emergency surgery. Fortunately it went well and everything is okay. I ended up going to the hospital around 9:30pm that night. When I got there she was in the OR so I pretty much waited around for a couple hours. I did get to read some of my Game Informer magazine from....last year...haha I am SOOOO behind on my magazines. I have a couple Macworlds from 2005 lol. Finally, they got her situated in a nice room and I spent the night. Around 10pm or so, Scribbld crapped out. Rather someone unplugged the power strip the modem sits on so access to everything died. But it was about 3am and I was to tired to log into the Tumblr site and post an update so I am sorry about that!

I pretty much got no sleep cause I was sleeping in this chair and it just wasn't the greatest. On Thursday we hung out and waited for the doctors and stuff and finally got the leave around 1-2pm. We pretty much just came home. Went for a little walk so she could pick up some pain drugs, she also got a nice little puzzle (alright 750 little itty bitty pieces) and then just relaxed. I believe I took a nap, AND then around 6pm, I finally got someone to turn the power strip back on. So yeah, sorry!!

I've been making a lot of critters in Spore, I also made this little YouTube clone site so I could upload my own videos. Check it out! What a pain in the butt to get working. After making symbolic links to the video encoder applications in Linux, I found the settings panel where I could have simply have changed the paths lol Oh well, it works pretty well and I am pretty happy with the software. I just need to make a new for it and a new logo... I also uploaded some images. I am definitely quite happy with the Creature Creator, for $10, you definitely cannot go wrong! I do kind of wish there was more parts, I know there's a lot, but I want more!!

Today Emilie and I went to breakfast at this wonderful little, er maybe big diner right by the hospital. Then after that I dropped her off to get her car. She had to run into work quickly to setup her schedule for next week. Probably half-days. I'm just doing some emails, forums, Scribbld stuff now...I think I may go watch some TV or something, I've got a consulting call to do.

I hope everyone has a lovely day and a lovely weekend. I'll be down in Massachusetts at two OPs, one at Ghost Town and one HUGE (400+ people), Tears of the Sun at TOLCOM. Hopefully I don't get shot too many times!

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