Analog in a Digital World
When I told people that I actually kept my to-do list and various notes in a little pocket sized notebook they gasped! Yes, believe it or not I actually prefer to keep my notes in my little Moleskin notebook.
Why? Well, like you I haven’t gotten around to picking up a decent PocketPC or something of that nature. I do have a couple laptops but none of them can really fit into my pocket. I do believe if I actually owned a PocketPC that I would use that over this notebook, but the fact that this notebook was cheap and I can quickly jot something down is why I continue to use this.
I also feel it’s more organized and less likely to gets it “memory” erased like that of a electronic device. Plus when I have an idea it comes and goes and will usually never come back and I can scribble something down much faster then turn on a PocketPC and do it that way.
I am not sure if other people are like me, I know that one of the guys on Engadget used to use a paper date-book, but has since moved to Google Calendar (and so have I), but I almost feel like I need to have this notebook in my pocket incase something really interesting comes into my mind. Of course I would love to get my hands on a PocketPC so I could check my email
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