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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-04-13 13:01:00

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Current mood: cheerful
Current music://Circa Survive - "In the Morning and Amazing"//
Entry tags:call of duty 4, final fantasy vii: crisis core, hacking, resident evil, sony psp, video games

So with the help of Scribbld user [info]confining I'll be pimping out my Sony PSP so that I can play some uuuh games. Hopefully it's pretty easy, I've got all the hardware I should need, I will grab a 4GB Memory Stick Duo from Best Buy today and if they don't have any for a good price I'll just hit up NewEgg again.

I beat some more missions in Crisis Core, definitely a lot of fun. Level 20 now and I tried out that materia fusion. Really cool, I got some really cool materia out of it. I'm still in the church since I've been doing all these missions.

Played some CoD4 this morning/afternoon, did pretty well although not as well as I'd like to have done. I can't wait until Tuesday when Morgan, Keith and I play. Not sure if I mentioned this, but [info]makkintosshu and I finally beat Halo 3 last Wednesday. What a great game that was...it totally makes your head start thinking about what's going to happen...but I guess it'll all up to the imagination since that's the final game in the Halo series.

I've been meaning to pick up Resident Evil again but I always find myself working on leveling up in CoD4 or working on Crisis Core...I'll get back into eventually though!

Today [info]emilie and I are heading up to Burlington to drop off her truck, and then we're going to the book store, I wanna see if they have a new issue of Anime Insider. Then we're going to work at the barn and then to my parents for dinner...not sure what we're doing tonight, probably just relaxing and watching a movie.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

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2008-04-15 02:29 am UTC (link)
Ah, dinner with the parents. Hopefully its a good event around your house rather than the amusing/angsty situation a lot of people encounter. But a good relaxing cuddle & a movie sounds incredibly tempting. I'm just a little jealous.

Resident Evil the game or the movie? Because I haven't heard good things about the game but supposedly the movie was fantastic (and so were the like 2 sequels).

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2008-04-15 01:02 pm UTC (link)
Hehe yeah, dinner at my parents usually is fun, and THEN a cuddle a movie, yep, that's always nice, especially when it's a bit cold :P

I was talking about the game, not sure where you heard bad things about the game cause it's one the best games ever made!! It started a whole new genre class, survival horror!!


I did enjoy the movies too though, I actually just watched all 3 of them not to long ago, I love it!

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2008-04-15 02:48 am UTC (link)
A 4 gig stick? That's a lot of games! ;P

My boyfriend accidentially ran over his PSP this morning. It's a not-slim model, and it was in a soft case...miraculously, it survived.

(No, it was not on purpose...he hadn't noticed that the thing that held the clip onto the case had broken.)

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2008-04-15 01:04 pm UTC (link)
I think it comes out to be about 10 games or so. Each game appears to be 400-500MBs. 10 games is good for me though!!

Oh noes!! Did it get scratched or dented or anything? That's awesome! Mine is the original model too.

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2008-04-16 12:46 am UTC (link)
Nope, not a thing. A dusty tire print on the soft case, but it's still alive and kicking.


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2008-04-16 01:34 am UTC (link)
Dang, that's awesome! :)

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