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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-04-11 15:26:00

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Current mood: busy
Current music://Diggnation - "Live from St. Louis"//
Entry tags:anime, azumanga diaoh, consulting, final fantasy vii: crisis core, horseback riding, nintendo ds

Zack & Aerith
Had a bit of consulting yesterday, but that's about it. I did work on a couple websites and then did a couple other things I've been meaning to do for a while.

Today I did a bit of consulting, mostly through email but I did go to one place which was really close to where I live. Just troubleshot a printing issue. Fixed it though, going back their on Monday to do a RAM install. Should be good, keeps me busy.

Besides that there's something very important that needs to be taken care of. I went to ride my horse this morning and I noticed how terribly overweight he is. It seriously took like 5 minutes to get on the girth (the thing that goes under his belly and keeps the saddle on) because he's so tubby. So I'll be working with him a lot more to get him & myself back into shape. I promise not to leave Scribbld hanging but unfortunately he's a lot more important then this website. You shouldn't notice any difference but I'll be donating more time to his cause. We did go for a short ride today up the hill until we reached a point where he got a bit spooky and we turned around. It was a good ride considering I've not ridden since like December or something ridiculous. So yeah, that and getting my Apple certifications are my big projects right now...

[info]emilie and I are going to swimming tonight. It's going to be fun, the pool is always really warm. The weather is miserable but I think that'll be fun. Then we'll have a nice dinner, and watch a movie tonight. So glad it's the weekend too.

I got a $400 bonus from Small Dog which is wonderful, I definitely needed that, going to put $100 towards the credit card along with the $1600 I made from the sale of my MacBook Air and then using my tax refund and that should pretty much cover the Xserve and the crappy Windows laptop I had to buy for doing subtitles. And the other $300 I will use for spring shots for the horse.

I order this Nintendo DS flash card this afternoon, it was like $40 shipping for a little device that weighs less then 1lb. Haha I also got a 4GB MicroSD card. I also picked up a couple Nintendo DS ROMs, you know just to make sure the device works...I'd love to mod or get a modded PSP...but it's expensive, depends on how much I can bring in with this new job.

[info]emilie and I have been continuing to work on watching Azumanga Diaoh. She says it's growing on her which is great cause it's definitely funny.

I beat some more Crisis Core this afternoon. It's such a good game. I haven't really found a need for the guide to often, but it has some really good tips in it which is nice. I really love the story. I just met up with Aerith. According to the guide, I am about half way through the game, so that's cool.

Well I'm off to watch a movie or something, study some Japanese or something. Take care all :)

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2008-04-13 05:26 pm UTC (link)
Yeah Isaw those but didn't bother since they're out of stock. I definitely trust NewEgg, cause they're where I purchase all of the Scribbld servers from, plus I've been doing business with them since forever PLUS when you select even 5-7 or 3-4 day shipping it usually gets to you in 1-2 days no matter what! They're great!

I do have a 512MB card so that's great I can use that for the Pandora bit of the hack :P

Thanks ^___^!

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2008-04-13 05:53 pm UTC (link)
You could always try the SanDisk Ultra II 4GB (which appears to be in stock) or just anything in the SanDisk Ultra II family. They tend to have faster transfer rates than most other memory sticks. I've honestly never heard of NewEgg, but since you've had many good experiences with them then that should be trustworthy enough.

No problem. I'm glad that I've been of some help.

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2008-04-13 05:57 pm UTC (link)
Well I ordered the thing from CodeJunkies, should be in soon, and I'll get that 4GB thing, I noticed games are about 400-500MBs...but uuh, if you ever need to order anything computer related, I highly recommend them, they're å really great company...

Oooh boooy, I cannot wait to try this all out!!

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