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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2007-11-19 15:21:00

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Current mood: working
Entry tags:anime, chobits, movies, mysql, newtype, php, spirited away

On Saturday we had that lovely VHSA banquet. It was a lot of fun. There was this one guy, probably 70+ years old, and he took home like 4-5 awards. I really hope that when I am that age I will still be riding horses and hell maybe even winning some awards! It would be a lot of fun. Overall, it was a lot of fun!

Sunday, [info]emilie and I spent cleaning the apartment. We're trying to make the computer room/mission control more like a living room. I did move the Cisco switch, the Airport and the modem into another room. We added some nice chairs so that at least we'll enjoy watching TV shows and movies there. I think eventually we'd like to get a futon for there, but who knows.

We got to the barn a bit later then usual, but it was okay. One of the little kitties was playing with Doc's tail and Doc kicked and the kitty went flying, a bit funny! The kitties are so funny. A lot like out Kitty. Emilie wants to get one, but who knows if that will happen. Cleaning was the same...messy messy messy!!

I finally got to dive into my NewType magazine which I really do like. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. It's packed with loads of good info though. It finally got me to watch some Chobits, they were running an interview article with CLAMP. So Emilie and I watch an episode of Chobits, and I think we really like it. It's a lot different then I thought it would be. Definitely in a good way though. It's funny!

Today, I am actually at work right now, but I've been doing work all afternoon that I thought I could use the break. I bought an apple pie from this pre-school (some fundraiser) and they just brought it to me today. It's really good, although quite cold. I am sure it'll be great after I put some in the microwave or something.

I have Windows Server Admin class tonight, that should be pretty simple. I just have to find out which homework assignments I am missing and then get them done. I also have to work on this paper for my class SEI (lamest class ever).

I finished up my PHP script that will compress my mail backups made by mailbfr. I just have to do some other PHP/MySQL programming for the class, but I think it should be relatively easy.

I can't wait to watch some more Chobits tonight. I think this is all I have time t write for now :)

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