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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2007-11-09 23:24:00

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Entry tags:call of duty 4, consulting, mac os x server, networking, small dog electronics, work, xbox, xbox 360

Call of Duty 4
Yesterday I had a consulting appointment which went quite well. It was my first appointment in about a year. I am kinda sad that I took my current job, but with all the mish-mash going on with the new South Burlington store and all it felt like it was the only option for me so that I didn't get lost in all the chaos. I would much have rathered to have stayed as a consultant, but between the new store and Berkey leaving it just didn't seem like the best idea at the time. Anyways, the job was simple, a basic white glove with data transfer.

It was going quite well until we have to install the AOL software and get that working. Something that was supposed to take me 1-2 hours took about 3 to 3.5 which was terrible. Oh well, more $$$ for me.

After that I went to the S. Burlington store and just hung out, but then I talked to [info]makkintosshu and I went to his house. I had 2 hours to kill before I had class. I wasn't going to drive back home and then back up to class.

So we played my brand spankin' new copy of Call of Duty 4. Him, Keith and I had been in the beta and we had an absolute blast. We played some of the new maps which I enjoyed.

Class was eh, nothing special. I found out that my professor and I have had quite the experience and fun times with OSCommerce. Horrid software, but it seems to get the job done...

After class, I came home and played some COD4, got myself to level 5.

Today, I had to work my normal job. I mostly continued working on making sure all the product code was validated. Something I am being completely underpaid to do which is sorta shitty. I managed to get out around 3:30 with a new server in hand.

I am going to sell my Xserve G4 and replace it with a Core 2 Duo 1.83GHz Mac mini. I think that's more then enough power for the stuff that server does. That and it's even more powerful then the Xserve. I did get another little external drive to mirror the OS on...I will use my other 2 FW400 drives to make another mirror for the FTP dump, and Uma will stay as it is, except I'll make it use USB2 and not FW800 (which kinda sucks, but it works...).

So I did setup the Mac mini so hopefully all I should have to do is plug it in and change some IPs, make sure DNS is updated, import mail, SQL databases and rsync over home directories. It'll be running on Mac OS X Leopard Server 10.5. It's really a wonderful piece of software, Beautifully crafted and VERY easy to use. I had wanted to do a standard setup but I can't because I can't do much customization and what I need to do (multiple short names, firewall, etc...) isn't available in either the Standard or Workgroup configurations. So that's all ready to be set live!

I played a shit ton of Call of Duty tonight with Keith and Greg. I do hope Morgan picks up the game cause it's a really lot of fun!! I am now a level 18 or 19, can't quite remember. There's this one really cool perk that makes your grenades fall out when you die and blow up, usually killing the other person.

I'll be bringing my xBox 360 with me this weekend, and I'll play through single player mode in COD4, and I'll bring my CSI game and maybe a couple others.

Alright, I need sleep. Peace.

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