Dang PCs
I hate Dell, they're the biggest pieces of shit on planet earth. DIE DIE DIE!!! Oh well...
I converted my Domo-Kun videos into something my iPod can watch although it made me do it in H.264 which doesn't bother me, it's just weird that's the only way it would convert them. Then I converted episode 18-25 of Naruto since I need to watch those. Fun fun!!! I got like 100% on my Dreams test, yay go me.
Umm, beat Half Life: Source and played some Counter Strike: Source. I got a kill right off and then I died a lot and my ping was horrible. I think it's because I am getting movies or something. Lots of new movies!! BIG MOMMAS HOUSE 2!!! And some others...I think I saw The Davinci Code in there but I wasn't sure if it was the new one with Tom Hanks...will have to ask...or download the sample.
What else...umm nothing...I had some pizza...I need some new good headphones.
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