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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-10-16 15:37:00

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Well, last night I went to sleep around 12am. Kinda early but oh well. Anyways, it was fun last night, we all went to beat me *** hall. LALALA! Oh Emily called me too haha I was again at Beat Me *** Hall and she gave me a ding ding. It was nice, so we chatted, I walked to my next class talking to her, and then I got in class and kept talking to her. Haha But then the professor came so I quickly said bye bye...maybe I'll call her tonight, and maybe Sam too. So class sucked, and then we had math class, of course that sucked ass too. Umm then I went back to the dorms, and Travis, Dilly-Bean #2, Jack and Josh all hung out...bleh bleh bleh! And I got Bully but I only watched a little. Notice how they have sex scenes every 5 minutes haha Umm Travis smashed his head into the corner of the wall. I thought he was going to go unconsious or something. But he walked it off and went back to his room. By 12 everything had quieted down and I was asleep although I wasn't very tired. I think I talked to Jessica last night too...can't remember haha Oh yeah I went to Best Buy wth Glenn and his friend Tom...what fun. He got George Lucas' first movie, I am gunna download it from him later today probably.

Woke up at like 10:40am this morning cause Jake T came down and was a little early. Anyways, I just got on the computer and checked my emails and IMs. I think Sam IMed me this morning. And you know those songs I posted on the infamous 3 months that never existed. She actually said...HONESTLY I DIDNT KNOW WHO IT WAS FOR?!?! Sam I know you're not that stupid. <3 You're the lucky girl I liked so much. So pffft @ YOU! Umm played Mahjong as usual haha Talked to Jess and Jessica and YINA! I found out she's roommates with Nina which is cool. I miss Nina, I haven't talked to her in a while! :( I hope she gets online someday soon. And wow, it's 4pm already. I thought it was like 1-2pm haha Ok so let's see, I took a shower, then talked to Greg. I called him yesturday from Best Buy and told him we should go to the comic book store tommorow, which would me TODAY! And the asshole fucking blows me off for Rachel. Fucking ass. So I was like pfft fuck it, I'll go by myself. So I got my stuff ready. I had no idea where the damn place was only that it was on Newbury Street...it was a journey. Anyways, I finally found it, had no trouble finding it either. And I didn't see that there was a 2nd part to it, so I was like this is no fucking comic store...but they had lots of good music and stuff. And then I saw the 2nd part, and I absolutely FELL IN LOVE WITH NEWBURY COMICS! Hahaha They had a WHOLE section for Asian Films and I am planning on buying a ton of them. I love it I love it I LOVE IT!!!! And then right next to that is the Anime section but they didn't have Hamtro I don't think, or Colorful or Gunslinger Girls :( It's ok about Colorful and GG since I have all of those...but they had Ghost In The Shell 1 & 2...so I wanted to buy those. Next to the Anime section is the Manga section. So I looked around, I dunno anything about manga so I just looked and I read some of the backs, and I got Bow Wow Wata, I got 1 but they had 2 but I figured if I like #1 I can always come back and get the second one. I looked at some more and headed to the comic book section and it was all really just your basic marvel, capcom, starwars stuff. But there was one with handdrawn images of naked girls...sold for $8. Now I could draw that stuff and I KNOW MICAH could...he should and sell it for like $20 hahah It was weird stuff then I looked at the manga again cause I saw one that I thought would be cool but didn't know if I should get it. But I did anyways, it's Tuxedo Gin. Then I saw a girl looking at the anime dvds and she was lookin at Ghost in the Shell. I wanted to say something but me being the loser I am I didn't know what to say to start a convo...but NC is defiently a place to meet some new people...so I will probably make it a weekly thing to go there. :) So I was walking back and like right when I got out of the store Jason was there. He was looking for the bike shop but couldn't find it...so he went on searching and I came back to the dorms. Then we all took trash out since there was a lot of it. And now I am just chatting with Glenn and listening to Coheed and Cambria and chillen out, going to play some JPOP and read my new books! :)

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