The NEW Super Mario Bros.
Everything is going good. Tomorrow our bonzai tree seeds will be ready and then we can plant them. Wednesday, I had consulting, although Berkey forgot to let me know what I was supposed to bring so I showed up at someone's really nice house with nothing in hand. But I did do a little work while I was there and wrote down everything I needed to bring. Nothing much happened at night. Emilie kicked my ass in Mario Party 7. So much for her saying she was no good at video games, LIES! Ummm probably watched a movie after that.
Thursday, I was back up at the house in Charlotte again. It's really nice, got some big paddocks and a really nice barn. Some really pretty horses too. So I got about everything done that needed to be done. Everything went quite well. It took all of about 4 hours or so. Bu wih all the driving and everything it was about a 9 hour job or so. Love how Small Dog only paid me for 5 of it...jeeez. Oh well, next week I'll get the other 4 hours. Came home and watched movies or something with Emilie. We went to see Nippet to and we got some pictures!!
So actually he's still kinda shedding. I thought he would be done but here's still a bunch of Nippet hairs coming off hehe
So then it proceeded to continue raining and it was actually a thunderstorm, BOOM BOOM! The power actually went out at one point, but only for a couple seconds. Thursday was also the nigh that CSI had it's season finale!! It was a pretty good one although nothing like last years. Still quite good though!!
Friday, hrmmm....didn't go to work..cause they give me a headache too much. Instead...I think I played Kingdom Hearts II and did emails for things at Small Dog, so I sorta did work and relaxed a little. Nothing too much interesting happened that I can remember.
Saturday, before I start I have to say Emilie got the job at the TD Banknorth which is EXCELLENT!!! I knew she would!! She's elite.
So Saturday...we hung out for a little, played some Kingdom Hearts II and I go myself to the last part of the game. Then we went up to Burlington and went to Victoria Secrets, umm EB Games, and they were sold out of The NEW Super Mario Bros. So instead I just went to FYE and they had plenty of copies. I really wanted to get an xBox 360 but not until a little bit later. Maybe in mid-late summer I will get one. So I got the game and we got a double-cheeseburger. Then we left and went to Hannafords and got some dinner for that night. Then we went to PetsMart and got some stuff for the lizard.
Came home and made dinner. Watched a movie. I beat Kingdom Hearts II and it WAS SO GOOD! Can't wait for Kingdom Hearts III!!!
Today it's crappy out again, it's been raining for 2 weeks now :( Oh well. So I guess we'll watch movies or play some games.
I've already got to the first dungeon in New Super Mario Bros. It's a lot of classic/new fun, GREAT GAME!! I also love the "sleep" mode", very very cool!