jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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My Daily Tweets [03 Oct 2011|03:21am]
  • 13:06 AT&T says @adelaidecr and I spent 26 hours talking since 20 SEP. We'll beat that score this month! :) my person is amazingggg! #
  • 13:36 Playing some Walmart bingo. #
  • 14:02 Errands done for the day. Picking up some lunch and heading home to hangout with the Kira monster!! #
  • 15:33 Going off-reading and getting muddy with lance, DaveC, Angela and the St. johns. #
  • 01:09 Had a really awesome day off roading and getting super muddy! Finished it off with some well spent time with @adelaidecr :) #
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My Daily Tweets [03 Oct 2011|03:21am]
  • 13:06 AT&T says @adelaidecr and I spent 26 hours talking since 20 SEP. We'll beat that score this month! :) my person is amazingggg! #
  • 13:36 Playing some Walmart bingo. #
  • 14:02 Errands done for the day. Picking up some lunch and heading home to hangout with the Kira monster!! #
  • 15:33 Going off-reading and getting muddy with lance, DaveC, Angela and the St. johns. #
  • 01:09 Had a really awesome day off roading and getting super muddy! Finished it off with some well spent time with @adelaidecr :) #
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[ viewing | October 3rd, 2011 ]
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