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My Daily Tweets [21 Sep 2011|03:12am]
  • 10:06 So apparently now there's a collectors edition of Gears of War 3...hrmmmm... #
  • 11:38 No GoW3 LEs at my GameStop, so no GoW3 for me. #
  • 12:15 The Office is relating a bit too much to my life...except for that one part at the end of the Christmas party episode. #
  • 16:01 RT @morganwestfield Halloween. // <3 #
  • 20:30 I think I got into the Call of Duty Elite beta! #
  • 03:33 So @adelaidecr is pretty much the best ever. Anyone who can hold a conversation with me for 8 hours definitely deserves some sort of award. #
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[ viewing | September 21st, 2011 ]
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