jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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My Daily Tweets [09 Aug 2011|03:26am]
  • 06:36 @disneyeggs it's about 1700 calories per day. #
  • 06:37 @disneyeggs She does! It's got 16 squeakers! #
  • 06:57 Just de-pooped the back yard and got a load of laundry in. Time to go back to sleep for a couple hours. #
  • 06:58 @disneyeggs I'm on myfitnesspal.com. They suggested it haha #
  • 09:30 Just had a dream and I was playing Call of Duty IRL. #
  • 11:30 The girl at Subway looked at me weird when I told her I just wanted a sub with just lettuce and cheese hah! #
  • 22:49 Went and saw Sneak after work. I miss him so much so it was great seeing him. Food shopped, puppy fed, time to relax :) #
  • 23:42 My own bed has been taken over. Sheesh!! twitpic.com/639rcj #
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[ viewing | August 9th, 2011 ]
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