jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

[ website | jimmyb.ilikemyhorse.com ]
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Daily Twitterings [31 Dec 2009|03:01am]
  • 15:34 is getting some Italian food for lunch and then maybe hitting up the Modern Warfare 2. #
  • 16:13 twitpic.com/vx6xn awesomeness in a bun hehe #
  • 16:14 @disneyeggs Yes ma'am it is :) #
  • 16:59 @disneyeggs Haha yeah! #
  • 17:03 just had a melt down on his iMac, that was not cool! #
  • 17:03 @disneyeggs haha but what about paul!! #
  • 17:52 @disneyeggs Hahaha well then let's do it! #
  • 18:53 @morgant the funny thing is that I'm one too still...at least for 2 more days haha #
  • 23:51 @majornelson I got mine! #
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2009 Movie List [31 Dec 2009|11:47am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Beauti - Survival ]

2009 Movie List

So I saw this on a few other journals and I thought I would do it too. I think the point is to watch 100 movies between January 1st and December 31st. Keep the list public and rate the movies. Have I got it right?

* Crap
** Not so great
*** Decent, but rental only
**** Pretty good
***** I've already ordered the DVD

The Movie List )

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[ viewing | December 31st, 2009 ]
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