jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [30 Dec 2009|03:00am]
  • 04:27 twitpic.com/vpkjo for 3:30am whataburger is busy! car behind and infront of me. #
  • 15:17 just woke up...hahaha. #
  • 15:34 is heading into the shower, and then making a few phone calls. #
  • 16:19 @RidingResource I think I actually know that farm, very cool! :) They're on Twitter as well @MoonShadowFarm #
  • 16:24 has taken care of phone calls, now it's time for some Modern Warfare 2! :) #
  • 17:39 just created a list of games I'd like to complete, some of them are from Playstation 2 ha - jimmy.scenejournal.net/8207.html #
  • 17:53 I take that back, Final Fantasy IX is from Playstation 1 haha. making some waffles and noodles now! #
  • 02:58 is actually kind of interested in the Google Nexus One, I haven't been able to see if it has a real or virtual keyboard, anyone know? #
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[ viewing | December 30th, 2009 ]
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