jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [10 Nov 2009|03:01am]
  • 04:39 is getting some ramen, finishing up a movie and passing out! #
  • 12:27 working on getting sshdfilter installed on Friesian. #
  • 13:04 @Kayako Thank you! That's exactly the setting I was looking for! #
  • 13:04 sshdfilter install was fail. I ended up killing sshd on the box and it didn't come back lolz. Remote reboot request at some point >___<! #
  • 16:02 @kiokushitaka works fine for me 2k miles away and no down notifications from monitoring server today. #
  • 16:10 @kiokushitaka You can try using something like PageWash.com to see if that helps. #
  • 16:11 working on a remote reboot for Friesian... #
  • 02:03 can't wait to get home from the Gator to play some more SPEC OPs. Tomorrow is multiplayer awesomeness!! #
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[ viewing | November 10th, 2009 ]
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