jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [15 Oct 2009|04:01am]
  • 14:01 was not in the mood to get out of bed. X____x! #
  • 14:53 a day spent chatting with @adelaidecr is a day well spent. #
  • 15:27 just squished another "bug" in our movie rental script. #
  • 17:56 just signed up for the new Xbox LIVE Preview Program -- connect.microsoft.com/XboxLIVEUpdate #
  • 18:23 is showered up and getting ready to head into the Gator. Although I'd much rather have a nap. #
  • 19:10 is going to be late for work. Damn traffic. #
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[ viewing | October 15th, 2009 ]
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