jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [06 Oct 2009|04:00am]
  • 13:22 delete a cached status on Pidgin by hovering over it and hitting the Delete key. #
  • 13:58 kids giving birth to kids isn't cool. #
  • 14:19 has no idea what's going on today. I suppose I should review my ToDo list. #
  • 17:07 getting some Trac backups completed. Shell scripts for the win! #
  • 17:45 just made another MRTG version for our network, 4 most important graphs. :P #
  • 17:50 palomino:Clydesdale jimmybrancaccio$ lol
    -bash: lol: command not found #
  • 17:50 is doing way to much at once as you can see from previous tweet ;P #
  • 18:05 showering and heading into the Gator. #
  • 18:54 needs to go on a diet asap and also need to make it to the pool/gym much more often. #
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[ viewing | October 6th, 2009 ]
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