jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [28 Sep 2009|04:00am]
  • 10:38 just found insurance for my *hopefully* new Mitsubishi Lancer MR for much cheaper, can't wait to get the ball rolling on this! #
  • 12:03 new episode of CSI was pretty darn good, excited to see next weeks! #
  • 14:57 just woke up from a bit of a crazy nap. Sleeping at non-normal times always gives me the weirdest dreams. #
  • 15:16 trying to figure out what I can do between now and heading into the Gator. #
  • 15:31 is learning about for loops in Linux and also looking into taking an Equine Anatomy course. #
  • 16:20 @adelaidecr I miss you. #
  • 16:33 *le sigh* @adelaidecr <3 eeeesssh! #
  • 16:57 is listening to the new Asking Alexandria album, I dig it. #
  • 18:01 it's too hot right now. I can't deal with this 90F+ temp. Dying... #
  • 18:52 @lexylayne FML?!? #
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[ viewing | September 28th, 2009 ]
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