jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [26 Sep 2009|04:00am]
  • 05:07 thinks Notepad++ is a pretty good Windows application. #
  • 05:09 trying to figure out how to display both up and down servers with Sysmon in the Curses interface. #
  • 16:31 has got MMS on his iPhone finally!! :) #
  • 17:48 getting pizza with Matty W. and then hitting up Frys. I've never been so it's going to be awesome. #
  • 18:09 @theshinimegami It was your wireless causing the issue. #
  • 22:09 @theshinimegami It was definitely your wireless. #
  • 22:30 had an awesome time tonight, got WALL-E on BluRay and a new mouse. Just drinkin' some Fruit Punch and watch Clannad now. #
  • 22:32 @theshinimegami PS I hope you know I'm kidding, It's without a doubt that Scribbld probably was down haha. #
  • 22:34 @theshinimegami Seeing as how it has issues every other day :P #
  • 23:09 is watching Terminator 1. Old skool! #
  • 02:40 compressing some mail server backups while waiting for a download to finish. Hoping to get to bed soon. #
  • 02:43 @kiokushitaka Ha ha ha. Oh well. #
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[ viewing | September 26th, 2009 ]
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