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Daily Twitterings [21 Sep 2009|04:00am]
  • 11:20 is a sucker for horses. Blah! #
  • 02:43 @WithinRafael I heard they're going to release a fix included in an update to the OS...which should be soon. #
  • 02:44 having tons of fun at the Gator. Probably going to Steak n' Shake with Chef after I get out. I love early morning fun! #
  • 02:47 @WithinRafael Oh, me you and Chris should play some Xbox or something sometime. I don't think I've ever had that privilege! #
  • 03:18 I want this car so bad!! tinyurl.com/np5d4p I wonder if anyone is Houston is selling the 2008 MR edition? #
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[ viewing | September 21st, 2009 ]
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