jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [02 Sep 2009|04:00am]
  • 04:26 back home, had a nice time at work cause Chef was there!! #
  • 11:39 just paid rent, I iz poor nao! :( Hehe. #
  • 12:18 definitely needs to look at creating a local software repo. Must buy more hard drives... #
  • 12:21 it appears as if our iPhone and Palm Pre are "integrating" with Google Voice - ie. reply to txt message and it comes from our GV num. #
  • 15:16 up form my afternoon nap, wondering what I can work on. #
  • 16:14 making some lunch and getting some new games. #
  • 18:14 showered up and getting gear ready to head into the Gator. #
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[ viewing | September 2nd, 2009 ]
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