jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [18 Aug 2009|04:00am]
  • 04:39 it's about 4am. I'm not very tired for some reason. #
  • 04:48 blaaaah Internet at the business center isn't working. Watching a movie instead. #
  • 09:44 is getting his bed delivery from Ikea today! woot!! #
  • 11:55 got my new Motorola SB6120, it's quite nice looking! Also got my new Garmin GPS setup, it's really cool!! #
  • 13:03 is watching Tropic Thunder, this movie is so funny. #
  • 15:35 loves how LifeHacker has apost about finding apartments after I've done so :P #
  • 21:59 doesn't see trending topics on his Twitter sidebar anymore. Less clutter for the win! :) #
  • 22:23 my new Airports from Small Dog should be here tomorrow, most excellent!! #
  • 22:24 thinks it's funny that someone renting a movie in our movie rental application has a late fee of $50+... #
  • 00:29 making some noodles for dinner. Not really that tired yet...will probably crash within the hour or so though. #
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[ viewing | August 18th, 2009 ]
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