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Quick One! [10 Jul 2009|02:29am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

It's like 2:30am here, but for anyone wondering, DeathNote is offline for the moment. The hard drive in the server died. Fortunately, all the web content and databases are backed up so there should be 0 data loss. Rather then work on rebuilding the machine right now, I'll be going to bed and waking up earlyish to work on it. I'd rather get it done in the AM since I'll be more focused and ready to work on it, rather then half asleep.

I'll also be looking into the power situation in the server room, I have a feeling we're not getting enough, so there's going to be some downtime for all servers and services tomorrow starting around 9am or so. It could last as long as 6-12 hours. I'll be posting this information on [info]system  as well.

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