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Daily Twitterings [22 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 08:59 working on an exam for class today...ick. #
  • 12:26 working on exam for class...can't wait to have some of Abby's rice crispy treats hehe #
  • 15:39 is heading out to the barn, this should be fun, even though I am quite sore from yesterday. #
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OHAI! [22 Jun 2009|09:06am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Underoath - In Regards to Myself ]

 Sorry for not updating very much lately haha. Twitter is so much easier to use then having to find time to sit down and actually write something.

I've been riding a lot lately. Trying to get my horse into decent shape. At my departments retreat a couple weeks ago, I caught up with one of the ladies who works with us and she was talking about this like 3-4 day long trail ride that happens and said I should come, but that my horse would need to be in pretty good shape since it's all kinds of crazy terrain...so I don't know if I'll go but I know that both my horse and I need to be in good shape overall :) So I've been trying to ride as often as I can when I'm not completely dead from work and such. Abby and I have been going together a lot which is really nice. It's really great to have someone to just ride around with. We've been doing ring-work, and just riding out on the roads and in the fields. Tons of fun.

I guess we're dating now? Boyfriend/girlfriend, I don't know, maybe?! Hahaha. It really makes no difference to me, I guess it matters to her though, a girl thing? Who knows...

We went out to dinner with her sister and husband the other night which was really nice. I like them both, great people. We've been spending a lot of time together haha. I can't believe she hasn't gotten sick of me yet. She made me these amazingly delicious rice crispy treats too, love love love!! She totally doesn't seem to care that I have assault rifles either, I think this could be the beginning of an amazing relationship haha

Well, I've got at least 1 consulting appointment this morning, then probably getting lunch with my mom, need to get some pricing and set an appointment to get a fuck ton of things fixed on my car. Then I might have another appointment. We just put together a proposal to write an application for renting DVDs. It should be a fun learning experience.

Anyways, have a lovely day everyone! xoxo

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Sleepers... [22 Jun 2009|06:06pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Saosin - Collapse ]

Today was unusually amazing for a Monday. Woke up kind of late, sleeping in is nice :) Just wake up when I am done sleeping, took a shower, got ready for the day. I went out to my first consulting appointment. It was for a slow computer which is one of the worst to go out on because that really doesn't tell me anything, there's a million and one reasons as to why a computer could be slow. I ran my usual checks and applications to look for what could be causing the problem. I ended up telling them to purchase some new RAM for not only the machine that was having an issue but for most of their machines. One guy was running 512MBs of RAM, now mind you, these guys are graphics/print designers and sit and play in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign all day...and for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters nonetheless haha. I hope some people have heard of them :P So yeah, we're jacking them up to like 6-8GBs. 512MBs is ridiculous!

After that, I went out and had lunch with my mom, but not before I stopped off at my local gun shop and got my stock replaced...it's kind of ghetto, but whatever haha, it works. I saw the Bushmaster A3 that I really really want, so I am definitely going to be saving up for that. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have enough money to drop on that (only $1200 haha). After that I found out my car needs like $900 in repairs, I hate cars. Haha. I wish I could just ride my horse everywhere. I'd definitely be down with that.

After lunch I hung out with Abby, we watched a couple episodes of Wildboyz and then I went to my second appointment. It was a good one though, cause it was for one of my old managers from Small Dog. He's looking to do some DVD rentals and needs an application to not only inventory the DVDs, but to handle rentals, returns and customer information. So it's definitely going to be a good learning experience. We'll be writing it in PHP & MySQL and there's a big possibility that he won't be the only people using it, considering I've seen little nothing else out there in the market. So it's going to be a really crazy ride this one!!

After that, I headed out to the barn, met back up with Abby and Bethany. Had some good times there. Abby made me a whole thing of rice crispy treats for me, which I "shared" hahaha. She's so wonderful to me, it's really nice to know there's someone out there who really cares about you...a lot. I believe she's coming over when I get home from work, we're just going to relax, maybe watch a movie or build our Sims a house hahaha.

Tonight, I've got a buncha homework to do. I might start working on an outline for the DVD project. Who knows...maybe I'll do neither and just watch a movie and relax :) Did I mention how amazing Ponyo on a Cliff By The Sea was!? Yeah, it was great, Miyazaki for the win...Did I mention how badly I want that A3...oh, cause I do ;) Thursday is Abby's birthday. I am going to order her some flowers right now...she loves lillys. <3

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