jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [19 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 09:04 back in the office, yet another day... #
  • 09:24 is upping another 20GBs of backups offsite! #
  • 10:06 would really love for his phone to be here no later then Wednesday next week. I just refuse to txt on this shit Motorola L7. #
  • 13:26 can't wait for today to be done, I just want to go home to take a nap. #
  • 14:05 is getting sick of people sending me their shit in Microsoft Word. #
  • 14:10 @disneyeggs I just noticed that wallpaper you sent me for iPhone. Epic. #
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[ viewing | June 19th, 2009 ]
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