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Daily Twitterings [13 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 07:11 is not sure why I am awake this early.... #
  • 07:27 @disneyeggs HAHA OH MY GOD JESS. I LOVE it!!!!! And yes, I woke up early just so I could read your teets! <3 #
  • 08:36 @disneyeggs Hahaha teets teets teets teets teets teets teets teets teets !!!!! #
  • 08:36 didn't get breakfast this morning, I might die. #
  • 09:30 doesn't really have much to do today, reading over some Moodle docs, but that's about it... #
  • 10:52 @disneyeggs LOL. #
  • 10:56 nothing but noodles for lunch? #
  • 11:26 @disneyeggs I mean, NOOOOODLES, I'm hungry hahahaha #
  • 13:33 is not sure about Nothing But Noodles, they just can't seem to get it right. The breadsticks are awesome though! #
  • 14:35 new alexisonfire!!!! this is going to BE AMAZING! #
  • 15:56 do it now - www.purevolume.com/thisromantictragedy #
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[ viewing | June 13th, 2009 ]
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