jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [05 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 08:14 has to be at work in Burlington in 17 minutes. I am still in Moretown haha #
  • 09:11 finally at the office, had a nice chat with Adelaide this morning :D #
  • 10:22 @flyingpiaffe yay for riding, I can't wait to get out of work to go myself!! #
  • 15:27 just getting home, had AN awesome afternoon with a great friend and some great horses!! Days like today should be EVERYDAY! #
  • 15:51 is ready for a nap ^____^! #
  • 21:33 moving 20GBs+ over 802.11g blows. #
  • 22:40 the new A Skylit Drive album just made me jizz in my pants. Yes, it's that fantastic! #
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[ viewing | June 5th, 2009 ]
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