jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [03 Jun 2009|04:00am]
  • 09:07 changing to Mozy from SpiderOak, SpiderOak is nice, but far to slow. I can't be sitting around for days waiting for encryptshunz! #
  • 09:16 logging tons of todos and reviewing lists. #
  • 09:20 installing Mint tracking onto DeathNote.me. #
  • 13:12 wonder why Lacie makes it such a pain in the ass to get a new drive under warranty...we've been through this like 3 times now guys... #
  • 15:25 is quite impressed with E3 announcements so far! #
  • 16:40 is heading out, grabbing dinner with Emily and then maybe a movie? can I convince her to see the new Terminator, haha! #
  • 20:55 just received agenda for tomorrow's meeting. It sounds like crap to be honest. #
  • 21:38 is studying a little Japanese, listening to my audiobook and going to bed. Early day tomorrow, yuck! #
  • 03:00 bad idea to go to bed early/at 10pm. Wide awake now haha #
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[ viewing | June 3rd, 2009 ]
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