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Daily Twitterings [31 May 2009|04:00am]
  • 09:32 working on a black/darker scheme for DeathNote.me. #
  • 12:39 sees Resident Evil: Director's Cut for $10 on the PSN Store. I might have to snag it! :) #
  • 12:40 @morgant I was actually going to call you too see if you wanted to come, cause didn't you work from home yesterday? #
  • 16:19 just finished sorting 2000 NDS ROMs. Now to decide which ones to load on my card. #
  • 23:16 wondering why Small Dog is charging $60 for 1x2GB RAM chip when DMS is charging $58 for 2x2GB chips. Lame. #
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Oh Weekend, I Love You! [31 May 2009|02:46pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | A Skylit Drive - Balance ]

Friday, I got out of work early which was really nice. I convinced our HR person (well more like proved to her by showing her the UVM HR docs) that I didn't need to take my vacation time all in one week, but rathe rover a day that could be agreed upon by myself and her. So I left a couple hours early on Friday, and this coming week I'll be working 8:30am til 10:30am haha That's definitely badass. So I shipped a package via UPS, then I called up Emily to see if she wanted to catch a movie, unfortunately she couldn't so I ended up going alone. I saw Pixar's UP which I thought was fantastic. I'm definitely snagging that on Blu-Ray when it comes out. I also bought a digital picture frame for my Dad for father's day and his birthday. I don't understand why those shits are so expensive. It seriously probably costs $20 to manufacture...oh well. He'll like it which is all that matters.

Saturday, nothing really happened. Just hung out. Did my 043 Exam #1. Worked on a new black scheme for DeathNote.me. Although we're really not supposed to be using that as a base which sucks. Oh well. I'll work on something totally new and fresh when I get the chance.

Today, also not much else going on. Going to head to the barn in a while. Maybe later this evening. I feel so lazy lately haha. Tomorrow, I've got 2 consulting appointments. Then we're going out to dinner for my Dads birthday. Should be nice.

I am hoping to get a little Japanese studying in today. I also noticed you can download dating sims from JLIST so I might try one haha. It's like $30 on avaerage for a game, so why not lol. I'd also like to do a little reading today...also need to figure out what I can have for lunch.

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