jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [18 May 2009|04:00am]
  • 07:30 is up way to early after being up so late last night ;___;! #
  • 09:42 is surprised Mashable is blogging about horses, I'm impressed! bit.ly/NVjgA #
  • 12:16 is really enjoying the new The Devil Wears Prada album, this is definitely going on the iPod! #
  • 13:13 yay, my Japanese for Busy People (Romanized) shipped!! #
  • 17:27 loves rocking his Ashley Tisdale icon on developer forums :D #
  • 20:38 @morgant You've gotta see his new movie, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. It's amazing!! #
  • 20:41 just finished the Death Note live action film. Was amusing. I highly recommend the anime before the movie. #
  • 00:15 working on a new livejournal codebase install...details to follow soon! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter!
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Death Note - Private Journaling Community [18 May 2009|03:24pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | the devil wears prada - assistant to the reginal manager ]

 What what what?!?!

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100 DeathNote.me Invites!! [18 May 2009|08:56pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | beauti - don't watch me ]

I have in my hands 100 invites to a new journaling community, Death Note. If you want one, leave your email address and I'll send ya one!!

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[ viewing | May 18th, 2009 ]
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