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I'm Waiting For You... [22 Mar 2009|11:59pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Ivoryline - The Last Words ]

 Work is eh, getting rather mundane. The shit I do is well below my level and it's really starting to get to me. It's so boring. I guess I really shouldn't complain though because I'm actually quite lucky to even have a job at all, and one that pays well with good benefits. So yeah, I'll stop complaining about that crap now.

[info]emilie came over for pizza and movies on Friday. We had a really great time. Things are definitely looking up between us and that really makes me happy. I know we can work our shit out and all. I am really glad we can hang out and have as much fun as we do. We ended up watching City of Ember which was really neat. I really enjoyed it. Then we just hung for a little bit, I think I gave her a back massage or something and then she went home. She doesn't really like driving around when it's dark and all. So yeah, had a really great night with her.

Saturday, I really didn't do much, worked on some web things, mostly for a new web project that [info]morgan  and I are doing. No details yet, there's still a VERY lot of work to be done haha

Sunday, I texted with Emilie a bit, then was going to start watching a movie, but my best buddy Greg called and told me to come over. He lives down in MA now, he's originally from here and we've been friends forever, so anyways, he's up visiting with his fiance. So I drove over there, and we hung out there for a bit. Had some delicious angel food cake (that's what it's called right?), watched some of the Bruins/Devils game...I think when we left it was like 3-0 Bruins, I'll assume they went to win it, but I have no idea. Then me, him, and Jess went to the barn, I finally got to show him my horse. I let them give him some treats haha, I am sure he loved that. So then we went to Frankie's (also know as Friendly's to normal people) and got some eats. I've not been there since the summer, during one of my trips down to MA to see him of course.

So then I drove them back to Darko's and I came home myself. Finished, or rather started and finished Slumdog Millionaire. Was a pretty good movie, I liked it. So now I'm just reading a few things, I don't really feel very tired anymore, not sure what's up with that cause it's like 12:30am now. Oh well.

Emilie is going to come over tomorrow. Going to probably watch some movies, maybe take a nice walk and work on some job stuff. It'll be good!! I suppose I'll go watch some TV or something now and passout! :)

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