jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [14 Feb 2009|10:00am]
  • 10:52 is hoping this day goes by quickly...PLEASE. #
  • 10:58 is about to head into a 2 hour meeting. @morgant I have an OS X/AFP question for you when I return :) #
  • 13:05 still in meeting, not sure if I see an end in sight *le sigh*! #
  • 15:18 just holding out as best as I can until the end of the day, blaaah! #
  • 16:20 it appears we're buying a 4TB, 4GB, dual dual core server for the Horse.13 network. Sweet! #
  • 18:26 @morgant Yeah in Moretown! It'll be used as a primary MySQL server as well as a backup server for web/music and Software Library. #
  • 18:46 @morgant It'll be for all sites that use a database (Scribbld, Macintosh-Admin, etc). Now that you mention memcache I might look into it! #
  • 18:47 @morgant Along with MogileFS as storing images in Mogile is much better then MySQL! #
  • 19:35 is helping @morganwestfield setup an Xserve. It'll be an OS X dev box. More info soon! #
  • 08:58 is encoding a better quality Pans Labyrinth. #
  • 09:02 is spending his Valentines working on servers, fanfuckingtastic. #
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[ viewing | February 14th, 2009 ]
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