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Daily Twitterings [01 Feb 2009|05:42am]
  • 13:11 got a Lacie network drive back...WTF, I sent in a Quadra and I get back a network drive?!? Oh well, I'll figure it out... #
  • 13:16 updating my iPhone with the new firmware, I think Emilie and I will stop by @smalldog in Burlington to pickup a new Quadra, they're cheap! #
  • 13:17 Hrmm, @smalldog is not who I think it is, but I know Small Dog Electronics has a Twitter account, oops! #
  • 13:38 is going through all his new music (100+ new albums), adding artwork and such and moving it to my iPod! #
  • 14:32 Going to watch Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. #
  • 17:19 is having some Safari/Web Kit issues, neither with open up, all I get is spinning beach ball :( Booo!! #
  • 18:16 is noticing that setting up these Lacie Ethernet Disks is not as simple as you'd want it to be, but maybe it's just my situation. #
  • 18:26 Lacie Ethernet Drive setup, running a music backup...there goes 130GBs...haha #
  • 19:13 This Lacie drive is a piece of shit. Thinking about letting LaCie know and getting a normal Quadra because this is crap. #
  • 19:53 Appended to my already existing ticket simply asking for a pre-paid return slip and the drive I should be getting...eeesh! #
  • 20:04 going to settle in and watch a movie, zZzzZzZ! #
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[ viewing | February 1st, 2009 ]
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