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Daily Twitterings [28 Jan 2009|05:07am]
  • 11:09 just back from dropping off an iMac for repair...was nice to take a bit of a walk. #
  • 11:12 @morgant LOL That story reads as if it was written by someone in middle school. Ouch. #
  • 13:07 just off the phone with Emilie, I guess things are getting better already, that's gotta be a good sign right? Eeesh life sucks. #
  • 13:07 @morgant LOL Yeah, oh well :( #
  • 14:17 is getting a bunch of work done today, sort of, okay, not really, but it makes me feel better if I say I am :P #
  • 15:03 @rochesterpeans lol jess you're amazing. #
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[ viewing | January 28th, 2009 ]
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