jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [07 Jan 2009|04:52am]
  • 10:31 @morgant but no sicks days?? #
  • 10:44 is working on some web stuff... #
  • 11:13 hates having to tell people the same thing 50 different times... #
  • 12:44 @morgant I know! So what happens now? Haha. #
  • 12:44 is less then impressed with MacWorld so far... :( #
  • 14:18 Macworld was fail. At least our favorite GTD app goes final though! Back to work... #
  • 15:27 got a paycheck today, thank godddd!! #
  • 18:21 @Cryo haha yeah I saw that too, what a load... #
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[ viewing | January 7th, 2009 ]
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