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Daily Twitterings [26 Dec 2008|04:06am]
  • 09:57 is up and reading through emails, I think we're going to make some cookies today. #
  • 10:40 is making french toast and bacon for breakfast. Delicious! <3 #
  • 13:59 making some brownies! #
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Post-Holidays [26 Dec 2008|03:10pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Academy Is - About a Girl ]

I dunno if it's really post holidays, do people consider New Years/Eve part of the holidays?? I guess I do. I never do anything. Christmas was okay, I got a new WoW hoody to replace the one that I had which is got a buncha holes (I still love it and plan to wear it though). Not much else though, and I really don't care. I hate Christmas. I hate getting and giving presents. I attempt to make the day as regular as possible, but of course we've got to go to my parents and all, blah. It's not that things are terrible or miserable or there's fighting or there's something bad about the holiday. I just don't like it.

[info]emilie and I watched some more BECK last night. I quite like that show! We tried to watch Neo-Tokyo, but I think I might end up watching that one myself. It's a bit, not like the normal anime we watch. We also watched some of the new Bam Margera movie, hilarious as usual. I actually will probably finish it up after this entry. I'm also planning on picking out another anime series to watch on my iPod (when I'm on the bus and all).

Nothing going on tonight at all, just the way I like it. I might play some Call of Duty 4 or something, maybe loop again.

Not much else is new. I'm looking to get more work, whether it be at the University or consulting, but I think I might have to pick one or the other, and real soon. I've thought about doing a lot of things lately, such as returning to Wentworth, going to Japan, going into the Army or possibly the Airforce...I really have no idea...I might even sell my horse haha, I really don't know!

One thing I do know is that I am hungry :D I think I shall have some lunch! Yum!

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