Yesterday I spent a bunch of time moving the iMac into the "bedroom" and hooking up all 9-10 drives to it and connecting that to the AppleTV instead of the Xserve. It seems to be working (and hopefully a lot better) as the previous setup was pissing me off. That's about all I did yesterday, I did some work on a vBulletin install morgan setup.
Also ltdan and morgan started the wiki for the network. I am quite happy with it. Just one less thing that is not on my plate.
I actually got some Xbox in the other night. Definitely had a good time. Also spoke with my good buddy Greg the other day, he's well, I can't wait to see him soon, hopefully Christmas. I also hooked up with an old friend from AP, Shelly. We used to talk like every day for 12 hours haha. I haven't spoken to her since like 04-05 though, so it was really nice to catch up. I love catching up with people who I like.
Today we're going to the barn, I think I might go riding either tomorrow or Tuesday, whatever day is supposed to be like 50 F. Then we're going to dinner and I guess come home to watch some movies or play on Playstation Home as it seems to be pretty fun. Emilie seems to be enjoying it. I haven't had time to sit down and play with it.
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and a wonderful Saturday :)