jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Daily Twitterings [24 Aug 2008|04:02am]
  • 11:17 Giving the cats a bath! #
  • 14:10 Converting some anime with this app I bought, MKVTools, I guess I pretty much paid $5 for a pretty interface to some free appz, worth it tho #
  • 14:41 The web interface for Transmission is very cool! #
  • 15:09 Just got 2nd place in a free-for-all in CoD4. Woot! #
  • 18:37 Just found out Jet Li has the same birthday as me! #
  • 23:19 Just finished Drillbit Taylor, rather amusing, converting some anime and getting a few Jet Li movies. #
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[ viewing | August 24th, 2008 ]
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