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Daily Twitterings [11 Aug 2008|04:09am]
  • 10:39 Just going over servers to make sure they're okay...had a good breakfast, just relaxing today, maybe some GCN in a bit. #
  • 16:37 Hanging out at my parents for dinner, attempted to fix the Internet, also looked at the xc course at the Olympics, it's nuts! #
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Boston - Part II [11 Aug 2008|10:04pm]
[ mood | happy ]

This weekend went by waaaay to fast! On Saturday Emilie and I went riding. Definitely had an awesome time, really got a good ride in. Around 10pm or so the main database server locked up and everything went down. Totally suckass, so I had to drive like 20 minutes to where the servers are located and had to manually reboot it to find out the boot system RAID set had become degraded. No idea how it happened, but the rebuild only took 2 hours which wasn't too bad. The last time that happened to me, it happened on a 500GB set and took like 12 hours to rebuild lol. I do apologize about that! [info]emilie actually came with me to keep me company, we finally got home around 12am haha

Sunday, not much happened, I've been playing as much Star Fox Adventures as I can, pretty fun game. I am ~20% done...worked at the barn and then went to my parents for dinner. Had an awesome dinner...I got a bunch of new movies and some new anime too (picked it up off the server while there).

Today I went back down to Boston with Keith. He had a second interview with Apple, he said it went very well, so that's awesome. We hit up Fire & Ice and the way back. Had some amazing food as usual. I highly recommend anyone who lives in Boston or visiting Boston to go there, you will love it! Really good price too, a lot better then I thought it was going to be.

I snagged an iPhone 3G, and it's quite nice. [info]emilie got my old 8GB iPhone.

Tomorrow I've got consulting down south, so that'll be nice, of course I doubt it'll be nice weather, oh well. I think I might go riding tomorrow too. I got paid from the appointment at Yellow Steel in NH, yay!

I believe that's all the news I've got for right now! :) OH, Emilie and I saw Ex Machina, AWESOME!!!

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