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Crazy Cat! [29 Jul 2008|08:17am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | // Blaqk Audio - "The Love Letter" // ]

Woke up relatively early this morning, got a bunch of work done and some fun things. For some reason the scheme code differed between web server 1 and 3, don't know why, but I fixed it. Also trying to figure out why the site likes to hold up messages (comments, emails, etc...). So what I've done to try to fix that is run a screen on the database server with a process that checks that and sends out the necessary workers to send out messages. Hopefully it works :P

I've also gotten a few comments/emails/support requests about the captchas not working but I cannot replicate the issue. Every time I go to the create a journal page I get a captcha and it seems to work fine. I would just refresh the page if you get a broken image for a captcha.

I've got a consulting appointment setting up Mac OS X Leopard Server this morning. Hopefully it goes relatively quickly. The last appointment I had with them took like 15 minutes haha I know this one will definitely take longer but it should be fun! I'll pretty much be starting from scratch which is nice, but a bit harder. I'll definitely be doing an Advanced Install too.

Last night Emilie and I were going to cook up this fabulous Thai dinner, but we ended up just getting some fried wontons from the Thai place up the street and not cooking up our noodles and stuff, oops...haha

We watched some Ebichu (which [info]emilie thought was hilarious) and just relaxing for the evening. I did read some more Anime Insider, I think I am still like 2 months worth of issues behind haha

I've been really dying to play airsoft, but there's nothing going on here or in MA lately. Fortunately there's a game up here this weekend, I'm trying to get Greg to come up and play.

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