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Daily Twitterings [21 Jul 2008|04:06am]
  • 05:16 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Offline. Last seen 07/16/08 playing Call of Duty 4 (via Xbox Live Nation) #
  • 10:54 I think I fixed the skill book bug in osRose. #
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To Boston! [21 Jul 2008|03:28pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

This weekend was decent. I saw Batman: The Dark Night with Keith on Friday night. Absolutely fantastic, I think I would gladly pay another $9.00 to see it again. There were several parts where I thought it was the end of the movie but it wasn't and it just kept getting better and better. It was really well done, and yes, Heath Ledger was outstanding. He really played the part and he played it pretty damn well in my opinion. I definitely enjoyed that movie.

On Saturday, Emilie and I hung out. I had built a new R.O.S.E Online server for us so we spent some time playing with it. We actually had stayed up till around 1am on Friday playing. We're pretty much back to where we were when I had a server going the last time. I am definitely kicking myself for not remembering to backup the SQL database though, but it's fun. I did hit a pretty big bug since my client was more up to date then the database and CSV files though. Eventually I found a proper fix and it all seems to work well now. I'm already level 23 and I've got into the soldier class. [info]emilie chose to be a muse. We're having fun with it.

On Sunday, it pretty much rained all day, so we played some more R.O.S.E. Then we went to see the horses and I worked there and got my stalls cleaned. Then we went over to my parents for dinner which was great, also had some AMAZING pie for dessert. We actually got to take home the leftovers (of which I had some of today). I picked up my Lego sets that had been sitting there and when Emilie and I got home from my parents I worked on rebuilding them. I was missing quite a few guys though and a few pieces. Not a big deal though, I'm actually surprised I had as much as I did.

Today was Buddy's vet appointment so that was fun (not for him, me). He got jabbed with like 4-5 needles lol. I definitely enjoy watching them do it and all, and I try to ask questions and stuff...they're REALLY WONDERFUL. I love my vets. They're super nice and helpful to me. I also got my stalls done while I was there.

I was hoping that I could have stopped by to drop of the Wacraft maps and DBC files but they weren't done extracting from the client by the time I had to leave. So now I've got to upload like 3GBs of data to a server...getting close though. Probably won't be done until tonight though. At least now I've found this really nice application which downloads the source code for the server, it grabs the database, and then it compiles the code and pretty much does everything, I love automation!

This afternoon, I got some consulting calls done, I re-scheduled my consulting appointment for tomorrow to Wednesday. Keith and I are going to Boston tomorrow for his interview at the Apple store, although that might be a sucky drive for him if he gets it. Then we're going to bum around Boston, hit up Fire & Ice which will be awesome, maybe hit up Newbury Comics and maybe Chinatown, who knows. It's definitely going to be awesome.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. This week is going to be pretty busy for me!!

Here's some pictures of my new character in the server.

Emilie and I
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