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Daily Twitterings [17 Jul 2008|04:06am]
  • 08:41 Doing some emails and taking care of whatever needs to be done before we go shooting! #
  • 10:41 Just back from working at the barn, have a few new horse pics that I'll post laster. #
  • 11:41 Heading down to NH now! #
  • 19:11 Back from the gun range, had an AWESOME time shooting a few MP5s! #
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MP5-ing [17 Jul 2008|08:16am]
[ mood | dorky ]

Yesterday was my best friends birthday. We decided to meet up at this shooting range in NH (about a 2.5 hour drive for me). We both made it there around the same time, cool considering he was coming from Massachusetts and I was coming from Vermont. Anyways, we got there, and got this MP5-SD. It had a built in suppressor, so it was relatively quiet...the guy at the place was wicked cool, totally into his job and shooting and all, so that made for a really good customer service experience. He gave us the whole safety talk and how the gun worked and such, definitely a good talk. Then we went off and shot the thing, unfortunately it kept jamming so after we finished going through 100 rounds we went back and traded it for the other MP5. This one didn't have a suppressor so it was a bit louder and his a slight bit more kick to it. The other MP5 also had a 3 round burst fire which was cool. Anyways the second gun worked well and didn't jam once. I definitely enjoyed shooting both guns, first time I've ever fired a real gun and wow.

We spent about an hour and 200-300 rounds, not much, but it sure was fun!! After that we went to Chili's and got lunch/dinner. I was home by 7pm or so. [info]emilie and I finished up her horsey cowboy puzzle and watched Ratatouille. Went to bed pretty early but I pretty much fell asleep right away, quite tired.

This morning I did some consulting calls and email, will have to get to the rest after I come back from a consulting appointment. I've got some pics of Greg with the MP5 and also some other horsey pics...will post tonight or this afternoon.

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Picture Post [17 Jul 2008|01:14pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Here's some pictures from yesterday!

More more more!!! )
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