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Daily Twitterings [30 Jun 2008|08:40pm]
  • 20:52 Xbox Live: vtequine is currently Offline. Last seen 4 minutes ago playing Xbox 360 Dashboard (via Xbox Live Nation) #
  • 20:52 Just finished playing COD4 with @clev - getting some dinner and watching some anime now. #
  • 07:30 Up and awaiting the vets phone call so we can take care of Nippet, this is going to cost a pretty penny haha #
  • 12:31 I hope WALL-E eats Leah Culver and craps her out as a meat cube. #
  • 13:47 Just played a little GTAIV, going to work on a couple things now. #
  • 19:33 Watched an episode of Beck with Emilie, we're making a delicious dinner now. #
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GTAIV & Vets [30 Jun 2008|09:36pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]

I've been semi-busy the last couple of days, hence no real updates. At one point the main database server for Scribbld went funky and the OpenDirectory service crapped out. Fortunately I don't have many real OD users so it was pretty easy to get that back up and running. I think I'll be making backups every so often of that because it's really lame that it just lost all that data, quite suck-ass in-fact.

I hung out with Greg on Friday, we just went to the Army Navy store, Ming Moon, and a couple of gun shops. Parro's has the best stuff, the assault rifles (real steel) were like $800-$1300 which isn't too bad really. I never found the little med kit that Greg has, maybe I will have to look online for it.

This weekend [info]emilie and I took care of my parents house. I've been playing a bunch of GTAIV, it's a lot of fun, Greg seemed to like it a lot too.

Watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and some Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad too. Episode 6 I think it was pretty much put me to sleep, the end was so crap.

We did go and see WALL-E, I absolutely loved it. I plan on going at least once more to see if I can find the pizza planet truck and the other things.

Had a vet appointment for my horse today. They gave him some drugs to "calm" him, within about 30-45 seconds he was almost asleep haha He was out pretty good which was nice, he was done with his shots, teeth, and cleaning in about 15 minutes. The whole thing cost about $100 less then I thought it would so that's really nice.

Emilie and I watched The Two Towers this evening and an episode of Beck. This episode was much better then the last, a bit more funny.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I have consulting appointments, it should be good stuff, relatively easy. That reminds me I need to email Wednesdays appointment to see where they're located. Eeeh I keep getting side tracked...

So yeah, I think it's time to call it a night, maybe I'll surf the web a bit or read some Anime Insider. Have a lovely night all!

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